Getting To Know Me

Aloha mai kākou

I am running for State House District 9


Iʻve been a member of the Kahului community for 7 years, 

contributing toward works within the:




Economy:  I have been consistently trying to help people find sustainable employment, navigate through barriers and get into the programs that best suit them.  At a Grass-Roots level, and as a single parent, this was what I could afford to contribute to the community in this regard.

Education:  Knowing that there are a lot of parents and teachers who are actively working within the DOE system to improve matters within, I have been on the educational fringe networks, bringing young adults into a place where they can succeed in taking the GED test and either find employment or register in college.

Environment: Participating in community clean-up efforts, land restoration efforts and helping people on their own ravaged properties, as well as advocating for sustainable futures, I have taken my activity to its maximum level as a simple citizen.

Knowing that we are facing a rising sea level, Kahului needs to be notified that the town sits at zero feet above sea level and will be among the first places destroyed, as a result.

At this point, as one resident there is not much else I can do from my position because I too, need to pay rent and raise my family.  However noticing that the State of Hawaiʻi has been needing lots of help learning how to take care of its residents, I thought I might apply for the job to take my work into deeper levels to protect the interests of our community at-large.

Noticing that there are a plethora of areas of great opportunity for our future, I have tried to advocate and was met with great financial resistance - I find that I can no longer afford to push from home, but need a position where I can help more people than I ever have before, from one position.  

Looking at my position, I can either help people or join the struggle on a deeper level.  Thatʻs not an option when there are so many solutions to choose from.  Taking days off of work or school to keep up with the meetings and hearings, just doesnʻt seem feasible anymore.  It costs a lot to ignore your family for 20 extra hours per week.  That didnʻt seem like an option either.

However, presenting solutions and attending hearings while on the clock, well that seems like a great option.  But a job like that is also a process.  First, I have to apply.  Then I have to find out who supports my vision of being that voice who represents my community.
Lastly, I have to show what I do while continuing to be a resource, as well as continue to be the person I was before applying for the job and learn what the actual job is limited to or can do.
I have chosen to take on this responsibility for the sake of my community and the future that it holds.


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