
Formation of ʻAha Moku

  Formation of ʻAha Moku by Carl Christensen Visiting Assistant Professor D. Kapua Sproat Visiting Assistant Professor Derek Kauanoe 3L The Hawai‘i State Legislature addressed several issues of particular interest to Native Hawaiians during its 2007 Regular Session. Particularly important is the enactment of legislation creating an ‘Aha Moku council to provide community input for natural resource management issues. The Legislature also passed the Save Haven Bill, which allows parents to leave a newborn in a place of safety without fear of prosecution. While the law promotes child safety, it may create potential problems because a child may be unable to verify his or her Native Hawaiian ancestry. Finally, the Legislature also expended considerable, yet unsuccessful, efforts to amend Chapter 205, H.R.S., the statewide land use law allocating land to the Urban, Rural, Agricultural, and Conservation land use districts. Although this legislation failed to pass, we include a short note t...

Dear Friends & Supporters 2020


The 5 Principles of Aloha ʻĀina Party

  1.  We recognize the Divine:  Full recognition of the Divine includes treating others in the same way that you would have treated the Divine Creator.  If you recognize the Divine, you also recognize that there is Divinity in all that was created by the Divine. 2.  Aloha with Equality: We share our aloha with all people of Hawaiʻi.  This also means that although we seek to address the injustices done to our country, we do recognize the Divine as well as the fact that none of the bad guys who did that are alive today.  Therefore, we will not display the ignorant rhetoric that has nothing to do with the people today. We also do not discriminate against a person because of their relation to another person that we may or may not like.  We aloha all humans from every color, shape, background, belief system and unique qualities. 3.  Mālama ia ʻĀina:  To put it into English for understanding,  as righteous stewards of the land, we take ca...

Interview with AAUW

This is one more interview that displays my views on issues that affect our community. This interview focuses on public policy. If you have any questions regarding any of my views, please feel free to send me an email requesting me to explain my choices. Enter interview results here.

Kono Pono 2020: Candidate Results

  To see how candidates ranked, please visit: Ka Lāhuiʻs Koho Pono Website

Interview with Hawaiʻi Public Health Institute

Early on in the campaign, many surveys were circulating, many of which I was able to complete on time. Here is the survey from Hawaiʻi Public Health Institute Click here

Interview with the ACLU

  Click here to read interview